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How are we preparing to travel full time?

I don't even know how we started thinking about traveling full time in our RV. I think it may have been during one of our many trips traveling around one of the states we visited. Those have been some of our favorite adventures; choosing a state and traveling around it for a week or ten days, experiencing the culture and seeing the sites.

The best thing about traveling in an RV is you do not have a time table. Yes, you can if you prefer and some people need to have that comfort of knowing where they will be staying tonight, tomorrow and even two weeks from know. But, my husband and I prefer to leave the opportunities to visit locations or sites along the way. We like the spontaneity RV traveling allows.

I think the spontaneity is what drew us to the full time RV life. That along with not having the time during the first eighteen years of our marriage to see all the wonderful places that the USA and Canada haw to see and experience. We both work full time for our entire life - from the time we were able to work, probably around 13 for both of us in one way or another, until we retire in a few years. Working full time and taking care of my husband's parents and our kids left us little time to travel until recently.

We are now at a stage that we can finally start really making solid plans and movement to get to the lifestyle we have planned for many years. We are starting to sell some of the items we will not need to live in an RV, tools, extra furniture, knick knacks, all the sewing/craft material I've collected over the years and not had time to use, books, etc. We are also thinking about the tools we will need.

We are selling our reliable Coleman cooler and buying a Yeti cooler. It makes it easier to have back up milk, juice, drinking water etc., available without going to the store to compensate for having a smaller refrigerator.

We are also not buying as many "things" as we once did. Every time we are in a store and see something that might be useful, we ask ourselves, will we need that to live comfortably in our RV? If the answer is no - it goes back on the shelf.

We are also thinking about the day to day things we use now, and considering if they will work in a full time situation of RV living. An example of that is the internet and cell phones. We know we will need to have the internet, but how much data, what type and what devices will we needed who's service? In addition we are rethinking about what type of devices we need, getting rid of our large screened desktops and buying smaller laptops and tablets. Three reasons for this, storage, weight and mobility.

I will be working while traveling in one capacity or another. Most likely, in many different ways so that I can pay for my health insurance, as I will not be old enough for Medicare. Health Insurance, another item to consider which one, how much and where to get it from before we sell the house and hit the road.

Selling the house! Oh my - have you looked around at your house and thought, would someone else like our house enough to buy it this way? We decided ours needed a few upgrades, but we also thought, if we are going to pay for these upgrades, we might as well enjoy them for a few years. So, we got a new roof, replaced the furnace and got AC! We remodeled the entire kitchen and added a new backdoor.

We have a long way to go - and the really hard stuff is still ahead. Selling/donating or giving away our possessions like extra clothes, the rest of our furniture, dishes, basically everything we own other than what I call "Memories." My grandmothers dishes, pictures and a few other sentimental items.

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